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Coding a chess bot

In July 2023 Sebastiaan lague announced a programming challenge for his fellow programmers: Coding a tiny chess bot in C# within a provided framework. The actual AI will get coded by the participant

An example game (10s per player) of the my bot playing against itself:

The bots were given some limitations to give equal chances:

For more rules, visit the Github repository

Even with these rules, a lot of chess coding strategies can be implemented. I mostly used the Chess Programming Wiki for inspiration

My final Bot "NightBot" uses:

My bot reached an estimated Elo of 2136 in the official tournament. Among 637 entries, it managed to advance from the swiss tournament to the first knock-out round (top 64). Unfortunately it lost this round, securing an overall position of 40th (based on rating)! Check out the detailed results here

Appart from the best implementation of these system and how they work together, I also learned a lot about optimizing c# code and reducing the token count. This made me discover some interesting ways to code, even though this is probably not how production-ready code should be written :)

Here's the final code I submitted (Github):

using ChessChallenge.API; using System; using System.Linq; public class MyBot : IChessBot { //Main variables private Board _board; private Move _mainMove; private Timer _timer; private float _timeThisTurn; //Tables private (ulong, short, sbyte, Move, int)[] _transpositionTable = new (ulong, short, sbyte, Move, int)[0x800000]; private int[,,] _historyTable; public Move Think(Board board, Timer timer) { _historyTable = new int[2, 7, 64]; _board = board; _timer = timer; _timeThisTurn = Math.Min(timer.MillisecondsRemaining / 28, timer.IncrementMilliseconds + (0.6f + (0.04f * Math.Min(board.PlyCount, 15))) * timer.GameStartTimeMilliseconds / 72f); for (int depth = 0; ;) if (Search(-1, ++depth, -10000, 10000, true) > 10000 || _timer.MillisecondsElapsedThisTurn > _timeThisTurn) break; return _mainMove; } private int Search(int ply, int depth, int alpha, int beta, bool nullMove) { if (++ply != 0 && _board.IsRepeatedPosition()) return 0; //Search extension for checks if (_board.IsInCheck()) depth++; //Transpositions ref var transposition = ref _transpositionTable[_board.ZobristKey & 0x7FFFFF]; if (transposition.Item1 == _board.ZobristKey && ply != 0 && transposition.Item3 >= depth && (transposition.Item5 == 1 || (transposition.Item5 == 0 && transposition.Item2 <= alpha) || (transposition.Item5 == 2 && transposition.Item2 >= beta))) return transposition.Item2; int currentEvaluation = Eval(), bestEvaluation = -100000000, white = _board.IsWhiteToMove ? 0 : 1, startAlpha = alpha, evaluation = 0; bool quiescenceSearch = depth <= 0, inCheck = _board.IsInCheck(), notFirstMove = false; if (quiescenceSearch) { bestEvaluation = currentEvaluation; //Check for cutoff if (currentEvaluation >= beta) return beta; alpha = Math.Max(alpha, currentEvaluation); } else if (!inCheck) { int factor = currentEvaluation - 85 * depth; if (depth < 4 && factor >= beta) return factor; if (nullMove && depth > 1 && ply < 60) { _board.TrySkipTurn(); int score = -Search(ply, depth - 2 - depth / 5, -beta, -beta + 1, false); _board.UndoSkipTurn(); if (score >= beta) return score; } } //Initialize for new searches Move bestMove = Move.NullMove, transpositionMove = transposition.Item4; //Order moves var moves = _board.GetLegalMoves(quiescenceSearch && !inCheck).OrderByDescending(move => move == transpositionMove ? 100000 : move.IsCapture ? 500 * (_basicPieceValue[(int)move.CapturePieceType] + _basicPieceValue[(int)move.PromotionPieceType]) - _basicPieceValue[(int)move.MovePieceType] : _historyTable[white, (int)move.MovePieceType, move.TargetSquare.Index]).ToArray(); //Loop through all available moves foreach (Move move in moves) { bool tactical = move.IsCapture || move.IsPromotion || !notFirstMove; //Futility Pruning if (depth <= 8 && currentEvaluation + 40 + 60 * depth <= alpha && !tactical && !quiescenceSearch && !inCheck && beta - alpha <= 1) continue; _board.MakeMove(move); bool pruneSearach = depth > 1 + (ply <= 1 ? 1 : 0) && !tactical; if (pruneSearach) { evaluation = -Search(ply, Math.Max(depth - 2, 0), -alpha - 1, -alpha, nullMove); if (evaluation > alpha) pruneSearach = false; } if (!pruneSearach) evaluation = -Search(ply, depth - 1, -beta, -alpha, nullMove); _board.UndoMove(move); //Set best move if (evaluation > bestEvaluation) { bestMove = move; bestEvaluation = evaluation; if (ply == 0) _mainMove = move; //Set alpha alpha = Math.Max(alpha, bestEvaluation); //Check if can cut-off if (beta <= alpha) { if (!quiescenceSearch && !move.IsCapture) _historyTable[white, (int)move.MovePieceType, move.TargetSquare.Index] += depth * depth; break; } } notFirstMove = true; if (_timer.MillisecondsElapsedThisTurn > _timeThisTurn) return 200000; } if (!quiescenceSearch && moves.Length == 0) bestEvaluation = inCheck ? ply - 100000 : 0; //Set transposition transposition = (_board.ZobristKey, (short)bestEvaluation, (sbyte)depth, bestMove, bestEvaluation >= beta ? 2 : bestEvaluation > startAlpha ? 1 : 0); return bestEvaluation; } private int Eval() { int middlegame = -30, endgame = 0, gamephase = 0, sideToMove = 2; for (; --sideToMove >= 0;) { for (int piece = -1; ++piece < 6;) for (ulong mask = _board.GetPieceBitboard((PieceType)piece + 1, sideToMove > 0); mask != 0;) { //Increase gamephase gamephase += _pieceWeight[piece]; //Bishop pair bonus if (piece == 2) { middlegame += 23; endgame += 35; } //Material and square evaluation int square = BitboardHelper.ClearAndGetIndexOfLSB(ref mask) ^ 56 * sideToMove; middlegame += _squarePieceValues[square][piece]; endgame += _squarePieceValues[square][piece + 6]; } middlegame = -middlegame; endgame = -endgame; } return (middlegame * gamephase + endgame * (24 - gamephase)) / 24 * (_board.IsWhiteToMove ? 1 : -1); } public MyBot() { //Setup Square values for each piece _squarePieceValues = _rawPositionValues.Select(packedTable => { int pieceType = 0; return decimal.GetBits(packedTable).Take(3).SelectMany(c => BitConverter.GetBytes(c).Select(square => (int)((sbyte)square * 2f) + _pieceValues[pieceType++])).ToArray(); }).ToArray(); } //Weights private readonly short[] _pieceValues = { 82, 337, 365, 497, 1025, 20000, 94, 281, 297, 512, 1000, 20000 }; private readonly short[] _basicPieceValue = { 0, 1, 3, 3, 5, 9, 7 }; private readonly int[] _pieceWeight = { 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 0 }; private readonly decimal[] _rawPositionValues = { 69341637791733331988582149888m, 74304283263169330218347253248m, 74311550985762928484295175168m, 78947776892082845700348508416m, 77396701435166060466262773504m, 78321501260234236525087220736m, 307114381126600598230913024m, 72441295294622804225804516864m, 77992711032004993849258538017m, 2500153078922453279021203760m, 3758644912480929539623884842m, 1915014148312645795317814835m, 4398147725955332849454159924m, 6232055118867755427542734890m, 5602190673975355739581580329m, 1864168168560650934056127009m, 623871964619220739711762956m, 5897206353389487955626693648m, 6228461528753404153768975124m, 6847422029801276644865549082m, 7478453009757126160595495707m, 6844961731479994533257947168m, 6821973195819121558173655322m, 3100890059433511351022259727m, 78311867670589736752242361085m, 5597392898407713720278254590m, 6842605327094232424576586240m, 8714013161948705130332757506m, 8722447234699853663594419212m, 8095000548484048293329049612m, 6847374916884176066715255818m, 3428518401707872421211602173m, 76456152315182342012369959668m, 5287907832883318488006132475m, 5911718352820349138394024442m, 8093824698036259725589416461m, 8398464559917956665976032782m, 6844990158986685295586970878m, 4668890552680886552802626563m, 2184543085961860879340338932m, 75516802767218294850094166779m, 320407954251274566007979256m, 3433392013903642678668952825m, 5285475814720248134905627911m, 5287884258519157579822139910m, 4354574598840221645349979898m, 1247635112871657747146737676m, 78611638624614832901423036667m, 72421924315999524030484114178m, 76757160621394117480960946177m, 78919938357776242956311394812m, 1864210929890371878615318514m, 2173677068620754522952827121m, 918802530676514187102519306m, 77038793168749249673965795851m, 74237730712878093674509432836m, 68086711438183233653663126784m, 70562605849513866872987250944m, 73350431088938154802045315072m, 76745085567188335093240754176m, 72420743706433626765400797696m, 76133345453449214101070280704m, 72095523659802112378051817984m, 67760301392812082607389333504m }; private readonly int[][] _squarePieceValues = new int[64][]; }